Make me Smile

I once asked my family and friends what made them smile … What makes you smile?
And the thing is my list was easy and it flowed, the moon, rainbows, Christmas lights (no matter what time of year twinkly lights will bring a huge smile to my soul), giggles, clouds, music (which I don’t things was on the original list but really some music just makes me shine!), a delicious smelling man (not on the original list but it should have been) … the list was long and filled with the everyday which makes it easy for me to smile.
Asking others was a fascinating insight, watching or imagining them thinking, waiting for them to answer, collecting their smiles.
Nowadays, especially when the work days are hard a conversation with you, an email from you is enough to bring me out of whatever hole I have landed in mentally and to bring me back to a smile, a smile that lasts long after I have hung up the phone or turned off the computer. I hope I am able to do the same for you somedays.
Clouds which are about most days fascinate me and if they aren’t about it is a clear blue sky or a clear night sky filled with stars, both of them make me smile too. Driving home and the moon appearing over a hill, huge and full brings a smile so big I have to stop the car and look and try to take a photograph to hold the memory, but as I have been told I should just hold it in my mind and leave it there because the photograph might not show what it really was.
Remembering I am loved makes me smile, some days remembering you are loved is enough.

Daily Prompt: Make me Smile

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